Born 12/03/1993
Dora weighs 19 lbs. She is very sweet, friendly, a real "talker," and she loves to be around people. She loves to take walks, is energetic, and very dog-friendly. Dora was rescued from her 1st home 15 months ago because she was being neglected. She was surrendered by her 2nd home because they said they could not housebreak her. However, her foster home believes she was not being properly walked for her to do her 'business,' since she has not had even one accident since being in foster care. The foster home strongly recommends crating Dora at night even in her new home, so that she doesn't return to old bad habits. She is up to date with shots, is heartworm negative, and on preventative. She had her teeth cleaned on 11/12 during which 5 front teeth were removed. However, this will not effect her diet and she can remain on kibble. She should be ready for her new home shortly after her vet re-check on 11/19.